Expressão de mim para mobilizar o sentimento do outro: considerações sobre o ethos discursivo em composições do letrista Nando Reis / Self-Expression to Mobilize the Feeling of the Other: Remarks on the Discursive Ethos in Nando Reis’ Songwriting

Elisandra Aguirre da Cruz Schwarzbold, Ivani Cristina Silva Fernandes


Resumo: The objective of this article is to outline a discursive ethos profile from the meaning effects instituted by linguistic elements in two songs by the Brazilian singer, violinist and songwriter Nando Reis. For this purpose, two of the singer’s musical career albums were selected, being one from his career in the group Titãs and the other from his solo career. Subsequently, one song was randomly selected from each album and the linguistic mechanisms that possibly enhanced the speaker’s self-image construction were identified and analyzed. Finally, the discursive ethos profile that emerges from linguistic materialities was interpreted. In order to achieve such objective, the theoretical assumptions from the Linguistics of Enunciation were used as basis, mainly from Émile Benveniste’s theory and his definitions of “language”, “enunciation” and “subjectivity”. Moreover, other theoretical branches were adopted for the concept of ethos, from the Discourse Analysis perspective, by Dominique Maingueneau (2005) and debreagem, from Semiotics, by Greimas e Courtés (2008). To support the methodological parameter, Carlo Guinzburg’s (1989) indiciary paradigm was used. Lastly, enunciative matters were reflected upon, from the analysis of meaning production instituted by linguistic elements in the analyzed songs.

Palavras-chave: ethos discursivo; enunciação; produção de sentidos.

Abstract: The objective of this article is to outline a discursive ethos profile from the meaning effects instituted by linguistic elements in two songs by the Brazilian singer, violinist and songwriter Nando Reis. For this purpose, two of the singer’s musical career albums were selected, being one from his career in the group Titãs and the other from his solo career. Subsequently, one song was randomly selected from each album and the linguistic mechanisms that, possibly, collaborated for the speaker’s self-image construction were identified and analyzed. Finally, the discursive ethos profile that emerges from the linguistic materialities was interpreted. In order to achieve such objective, the theoretical assumptions from the Linguistics of Enunciation were used as basis, mainly from Émile Benveniste’s theory and his definitions for “language”, “enunciation” and “subjectivity”. Moreover, other theoretical branches were adopted for the concept of ethos, from the Discourse Analysis perspective, by Dominique Maingueneau (2005) and debreagem, from Semiotics, by Greimas e Courtés (2008). To support the methodological parameter, Carlo Guinzburg’s (1989) indiciary paradigm was used. Lastly, enunciative matters were reflected upon, from the analysis of meaning production instituted by linguistic elements in the analyzed songs.

Keywords: discursive ethos; enunciation; meaning production.


ethos discursivo; enunciação; produção de sentidos; discursive ethos; enunciation; meaning production.

Texto completo:



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Direitos autorais 2019 Elisandra Aguirre da Cruz Schwarzbold, Ivani Cristina Silva Fernandes

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