Tragedy and value: Miller's Death of a Salesman

Ana Lúcia Almeida Gazolla


In the many years since the performance and publication of Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman, one central question has haunted literary critics and students and keeps recurring in any discussion of the play: is it or is it not a tragedy? The question of the tragic and genre definition in relation to Death of a Salesman followed the publication of Miller's essay "Tragedy and the Common Man" in The New York Times (February 27, 1949), only two weeks after the opening of the play.

Texto completo:



BENTLEY, Eric. In Search of Theater. New York: Knopf, 1953.

BETTINA, Sister M. Willy Loman's Brother Ben: Tragic Insight in Death of a Salesman. Modern Drama, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, v.4, n.4, p. 409, Feb. 1962.

BEYER, William. The State of the Theatre: The Season Opens. In: MILLER, Arthur. Death of a Salesman: Text and Criticism. New York: The Viking Press, 1977. p. 230.

BIGSBY, C. W. E. Arthur Miller. In: BIGSBY, C. W. E. Confrontation and Commitment: A Study of Contemporary American Drama 1959-1966. Columbia: University of Missouri, 1968. p. 34.

DILLINGHAM, William B. Arthur Miller and the Loss of Conscience. In: MILLER, Arthur. Death of a Salesman: Text and Criticism. New York: The Viking Press, 1977. p. 345.

FOSTER, Richard J. Confusion and Tragedy: The Failure of Miller's Death of a Salesman. In: HURRELL, John D. (Ed.). Two Modern American Tragedies. New York: Charles Scribner’s & Sons, 1964. p. 85.

GASSNER, John. A Treasury of the Theatre. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1967.

GASSNER, John. Tragic Perspectives: A Sequence of Queries. Tulane Drama Review, JSTOR, v.2, n.3, p. 7-22, may 1958.

GELB, Phillip; MILLER, Arthur. Morality and Modern Drama. Theatre Journal, JSTOR, v.10, n.3, p.190-202, Oct. 1958.

HUFTEL, Sheila. Arthur Miller: The Bunning Glass. New York: The Citadel Press, 1965.

JACKSON, Esther Merle. Death of a Salesman: Tragic Myth in the Modern Theatre. CLA Journal, Baltimore, 7 sept. 1963. p. 58-59.

KRUTCH, Joseph Wood. The Tragic Fallacy. In: Two Modem American Tragedies. Ed. by John D. Hurrell. New York: Charles Scribner's & Sons, 1961. p. 7.

LEASKA, Mitchell A. The Voice of Tragedy. New York: Robert Speller & Sons, 1963.

MILLER, Arthur. Death of a Salesman: A Symposium. Tulane Drama Review, JSTOR, v.2, n.3, p. 63-69, May 1958.

MILLER, Arthur. Death of a Salesman: Text and Criticism. New York: The Viking Press, 1977.

MILLER, Arthur. The Nature of Tragedy. The New York Herald Tribune, New York, 27, Mar. 1949. Sec. 5, p. 1-2.

MILLER, Arthur. The Nature of Tragedy. The New York Herald Tribune, New York, 27, Mar. 1949. Sec. 5, p. 2.

MILLER, Arthur. Tragedy and the Common Man. In: MILLER, Arthur. Death of a Salesman: Text and Criticism. New York: The Viking Press, 1977. p. 143.

NELSON, Benjamin. Arthur Miller: Portrait of a Playwright. New York: David McKay Company, 1970.

SAISSELIN, Remy G. Is Tragic Drama Possible in the 20th Century? Theatre Annual, JSTOR, v.17, p. 51, 1960.

SIGEL, Paul N. Willy Loman and King Lear. College English, JSTOR, v.17, n.6, p. 341-345, mar. 1955-1956.

WILLIAM, Hawkins. Death of a Salesman: powerful tragedy. In: MILLER, Arthur. Death of a Salesman: text and criticism. Ed. Gerald Weales. New York: The Viking Press, 1977. p. 202.

WILLIAMS, Raymond. Modern Tragedy. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1966.



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