Narrative technique in Light in August

Maria Lúcia Barbosa de Vasconcellos


I am going to start with a quotation by Edmond L. Volpe in his studies about Faulkner: "Faulkner's greatness as an artist is due to a great extent, to his ability to deal with the specific and the universal simultaneously. Everything that particularizes the American South and its inhabitants is rendered realistically in his writing. But he is far more than a regional writer, and his achievement is due, in large measure, to his narrative structure, narrative techniques, and his style."

Texto completo:



VOLPE, Edmond L. A Reader's Guide to William Faulkner. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1956.



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Estudos Germânicos
ISSN 0101-837X (impressa)

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