Resultados de análises quantitativas da representação do sujeito no PB: indícios de uma nova gramática?

Eunice Maria das Dores Nicolau


In this paper I discuss the characterization of Brazilian Portuguese (BP) in terms of the possibility of null subjects. Some recent analyses (TARALLO:1993b, DUARTE:1993/1995 and MENON:1994) have argued, on the basis of quantitative results, that BP has lost its prodrop character. But other variationist analyses (PAREDES DA SILVA:1988; NEGRÃO:1990; NICOLAU:1994; etc.) prove that BP can be characterized as presenting the possibility of null subjects. I show then that the proposal of linguistic change mentioned above cannot be maintained when faced with the Principles & Parameters model (cf. CHOMSKY:1981-1995). In other words, I show that the quantitative results of the variationist analyses cannot be considered as evidence of a parametric change or, more specifically, of the emergence of a new grammar.


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