Confiança e negócios: uma relação delicada

Vera Lucia de Albuquerque Sant'Anna


This article anaIyses interviews invoIving Brazilian and Argentinianentrepreneurs working within the "MercosuI" economic community.The anaIyses aimed at identifying the means whereby these businesspartners construct their concepts of trust in relation to each other. Byobservingthe strategies used in their spoken discourse, specificallythose of parentheses and paraphrases, in addition to identifyingthe process of conflicting discourse organization, it was possibIe todetect various intepretations for the meaning of trust. ln tum,contradictions were reveaIed between discourse organization whichought not to have been present in situation of confrontation in thefirst pIace. The world of "MercosuI" business exchanges, specificallythose invoIving Brazilians and Argentinians, has thus emerged as atarget of attacks which, in tum, ought to be the focus of concern ofthose responsibIe for politicaI and economic decision-making.


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