A morfologia prosódica e o comportamento transderivacional da hipocorização no português brasileiro

Carlos Alexandre Gonçalves


In this paper, I analyse Brazilian Portuguese Hypocorization, inlight of the Prosodic Morphology model proposed by McCarthy &Prince (1990 and 1993). Agglutinative approaches refer to thisphenomenon as idiosyncratic, unpredictible and awkward,considering that the process deletes sound sequences ofanthroponims. Based on Prosodic Morphology, I argue against thishypothesis, showing that the process is highly regular if we consider(i) prosodic primitives and (ii) aspects of the phonology-morphologyinterface in Portuguese. By analyzing the phenomenon as a nonconcatenativeone, I claim that Hypocorization does not deletesound sequences of the base. Instead it is characterized by melodicsegment mapping of the first name onto a definite prosodic template.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17851/2237-2083.12.1.7-38


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