Os adjetivos participiais no português

Maria José Foltran, Gisele Crisóstimo


In this paper we analyse the occurrences of verbal participial formsas adjuncts within a noun phrase. We also establish constraints thatdo not allow certain monoargumental verbs to occur in thisenvironment. Differently from participles of two argument verbs,we noticed that some participles of one argument verbs cannotwork as adjectives, while others can. This is because of the type ofarguments each verb selects: since the arguments of certain oneargument verbs share the same features of internal arguments, theparticiples of these verbs can occur as adjectives, and therefore wecan classify these as unaccusative verbs. We also investigate thesemantic properties of the arguments which allow a participialform as a modifier.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17851/2237-2083.13.1.129-154


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