Pronome você na dêixis conversacional Sandra

Sandra Bernardo


Based on the socio-cognitive approach, I propose that the roleof the pronoun você in the conversational deixis is related to anidealized cognitive model (MCI) of socio-personal deixis, activatedby metaphoric projection. When projecting metaphorically theMCI to point at, speakers signal to their listeners the way that thereferents will be interpreted in the discursive space, accordingto the perspective adopted in relation to their conversationalspeeches and to the sense effects that want to produce in theinteraction. Thus, it was possible to observe two types of você ininteraction: (i) prototype, used to select a specific listener;(ii) generic, used in contexts that don’t involve the specificspeaker’s selection on the part of whose turn it is to speech. Theinterpretation of those uses of você reveal the joint constructionof the discourse by speakers and listeners.


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