A monotongação do ditongo decrescente [eI] no português caxiense

Maria Francisca Ribeiro de Araújo


This study approaches the monophthongization of [eI9] falling
diphthong in the Portuguese spoken in Caxias (Maranhão), in the
light of two recent proposals of phonological interpretation of the
phenomenon: Bisol (1989, 1994)’s proposal, based on The Geometry
of Phonological Feature (cf. Clements, 1985), and Schane (1995)’s
proposal, based on Particle Phonology. The results show that the
subject is controversial; The proposals here treated present some
problems, but they also contribute to its solution. We noticed that
Bisol’s interpretation accounts for the reduction of the diphthong
in focus before palatals, but the explanation given for the phenomenon
before tap or simple vibrant is questionable. Regarding the
monophthongization of [eI9] falling diphthong before the vowel [a]
(e.g., [:meI9a] > [:mea] ‘sock’), nothing is mentioned in the proposal.
Particle Phonology, according to Schane, doesn’t make clear if the
phenomenon is “per se” determined by the syllabic duration or by
the following segment.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17851/2237-2083.8.2.23-51


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