Cuca, the “Bogeywoman” of Brasil

Marina Pelluci Duarte Mortoza


The figure of the bogeyman terrifies children and has been used as an educational resource since Antiquity in Mankind’s History. Mythologies around a creature that wanders at night to look for disobedient children are spread all over the Globe. This study will focus on the figure of the Brazilian Bogeyman. Therefore, the Cuca was chosen as the main axis since she is the most popular child-eater of Brazil. She was elevated to the status of literary star by the novel O Saci (The Saci), by Monteiro Lobato, and to the status of TV star by the series O sítio do pica-pau amarelo (The Yellow Woodpecker Farm), based on the work of the same author. The main objective of this study is to create a simplified history of the evolution of the figure of Cuca. Other “child-eaters” (Greek, Iberian and Brazilian) will be mentioned in a more generic fashion, just to complement the historical-philological evolution of this figure in Brazil. This study is composed of a historical analysis of the development of this monster both in the Iberian Peninsula and in “Tupiniquim Lands”, punctuated by small comparisons between Cuca and Lamia only for the sake of investigative curiosity. However, the greatest part of this work will be composed of a philological analysis of the words coco, coca and cuca, a fundamental tool in the comprehension of the historical and social evolution of Cuca in Brazil.


Coco; Coca; Cuca; Lamia; Bogeyman; Childhood Fears.

Texto completo:



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Direitos autorais 2018 Marina Pelluci Duarte Mortoza

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Nuntius Antiquus
ISSN 2179-7064 (impressa) / ISSN 1983-3636 (eletrônica)

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