Coelho, Schuchardt e Hesseling: Encontros e Desencontros entre Pioneiros dos Estudos Crioulos.

Tânia Maria Alkmim


L'article en question fait un bref aperçu des rapports entretenus par Coelho, Schuchardt et Hesseling sur la question des pidgins et créoles. Ces auteurs, considerés comme les fondateurs des champs des études créoles et issus de la linguistique du XIXeme siécle, présentent des ressemblances et des différences, qu 'on peut déceler a partir de l'examen de quelques uns de leurs textes.


BICKERTON, D. Introduction. In: MARKEY, T. L. (Ed.). Hugo Schuchardt. The Ethnography of Variation. Ann Arbor: Karoma Publs. Inc., 1979.

COELHO, F. A. Os dialectos românicos ou neo-latinos na África, Ásia e América, 1880; Notas Complementares, 1882; Novas notas suplementares, 1886. Reeditados em MORAIS-BARBOSA, J. (Ed.). Estudos Linguísticos Crioulos. Reedição de artigos publicados no Boletim da Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa. Lisboa: Academia Internacional de Cultura Portuguesa, 1967.

DeCAMP, D. Introduction. In: HYMES, D. (Ed.). Pidginization and Creolization of Languages. London: Cambridge University Press, 1971.

GILBERT, G. G. (Ed.). Pidgin and Creole Languages. Selected essays by Hugo Schuchardt. London: Cambridge University Press, 1980.

HESSELING, D. C. (1897). Dutch in South Africa. In: MARKEY, T. L.; ROBERGE, P. T. (Ed.). On the Origin and Formation of Creoles: a Miscellany of Articles by Dirk Christiaan Hesseling. Ann Arbor: Karoma Publs. Inc., 1979.

HESSELING, D. C. (1910). Remnants of Dutch in Ceylon. In: MARKEY, T. L.; ROBERGE, P. T. (Ed.). On the Origin and Formation of Creoles: a Miscellany of Articles by Dirk Christiaan Hesseling. Ann Arbor: Karoma Publs. Inc., 1979.

HESSELING, D.C. (1923). French in North America and Dutch in South Africa. In: MARKEY, T. L.; ROBERGE, P. T. (Ed.). On the Origin and Formation of Creoles: a Miscellany of Articles by Dirk Christiaan Hesseling. Ann Arbor: Karoma Publs. Inc., 1979.

HESSELING, D.C. (1933a). Papiamentu and Negerholland. In: MARKEY, T. L.; ROBERGE, P. T. (Ed.). On the Origin and Formation of Creoles: a Miscellany of Articles by Dirk Christiaan Hesseling. Ann Arbor: Karoma Publs. Inc., 1979.

HESSELING, D.C. (1933b). How did creoles originate?. In: MARKEY, T. L.; ROBERGE, P. T. (Ed.). On the Origin and Formation of Creoles: a Miscellany of Articles by Dirk Christiaan Hesseling. Ann Arbor: Karoma Publs. Inc., 1979.

MARKEY, T. L.; ROBERGE, P. T. (Ed.). On the Origin and Formation of Creoles: a Miscellany of Articles by Dirk Christiaan Hesseling. Ann Arbor: Karoma Publs. Inc., 1979.

MARKEY, T. L. (Ed.). Hugo Schuchardt. The Ethnography of Variation. Ann Arbor: Karoma Publs. Inc., 1979.

MORAIS-BARBOSA, J. (Ed.) Introdução. In: Estudos Linguísticos Crioulos. Reedição de artigos publicados no Boletim da Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa. Lisboa: Academia Internacional de Cultura Portuguesa, 1967.

MUYSKEN, P.; MEYJER, G. On the Beginning of Pidgin and Creole Studies. In: VALDMAN, A. (Ed.). Pidgin and Creole Linguistics. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1977.

MUYSKEN, P.; MEYJER, G. (1978). Introduction. In: MARKEY, T. L.; ROBERGE, P. T. (Ed.). On the Origin and Formation of Creoles: a Miscellany of Articles by Dirk Christiaan Hesseling. Ann Arbor: Karoma Publs. Inc., 1979.

SCHUCHARDT, H. (1888). On Creole Portuguese. In: MARKEY, T. L. (Ed.). Hugo Schuchardt. The Ethnography of Variation. Ann Arbor: Karoma Publs. Inc., 1979.

SCHUCHARDT, H. (1889). Notes on the English of American Indians: Cheyenne, Kiowa, Pawnee, Pueblo, Sioux and Wyandot. In: GILBERT, G. G. (Ed.). Pidgin and Creole Languages. Selected essays by Hugo Schuchardt. London: Cambridge University Press, 1980.

SCHUCHARDT, H. (1891). Indo-English. In: GILBERT, G. G. (Ed.). Pidgin and Creole Languages. Selected essays by Hugo Schuchardt. London: Cambridge University Press, 1980.

SCHUCHARDT, H. (1909). The Lingua Franca. In: GILBERT, G. G. (Ed.). Pidgin and Creole Languages. Selected essays by Hugo Schuchardt. London: Cambridge University Press, 1980.

SCHUCHARDT, H. (1914). The Language of Saramacca Negroes in Surinam. In: GILBERT, G. G. (Ed.). Pidgin and Creole Languages. Selected essays by Hugo Schuchardt. London: Cambridge University Press, 1980.

SCHUCHARDT, H. (1914). On Virgin Islands Creole Dutch. In: MARKEY, T. L. (Ed.). Hugo Schuchardt. The Ethnography of Variation. Ann Arbor: Karoma Publs. Inc., 1979.

SOMMERFELT, A. (1928). Hugo Schuchardt. In: Diachronic and Synchronic Aspects of Language. Selected Articles. Mouton and Co-’Sgravenhage, 1971.

VENNEMAN, T.; WILBUR, T.H. (Ed.). Schuchardt, the Neogrammarians, and the Transformational Theory of Phonological Change. Frankfurt: Athenaum, 1972.

WILBUR, T. H. Schuchardt and the Neogrammarians. In: VENNEMAN, T.; WILBUR, T.H. (Ed.). Schuchardt, the Neogrammarians, and the Transformational Theory of Phonological Change. Frankfurt: Athenaum, 1972.



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