Consciência fonológica: o efeito do seu treinamento no desenvolvimento da escrita em crianças pré-escolares

Cláudia Nascimento Guaraldo Justi, Francis Ricardo dos Reis Justi


Phonological awareness has been pointed out as one of themost important variables in the development of reading andwriting. The present study investigated the effects of phonologicalawareness training in the development of kindergarten’s writingskills. The training was applied to 20 kindergartens, which wereallocated to 2 experimental groups and 1 control group. In oneexperimental group training was developed through a computerprogram, and in another experimental group training wasdeveloped through the use of cards. Statistical analysis andmeasures of effect size (d) demonstrated the training efficacy inwriting development. This efficacy was independent of thetraining method (computer or cards). These results suggest theneed of developing phonological awareness skills inkindergartens.


Phonological awareness; Writing; Education; Computer.


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