O aspecto do auxiliar

Teresa Cristina Wachowicz


The aspectual theories don’t use to analyze periphrases (ROTHSTEIN,2004; DELFITTO, BERTINETTO, 2000; LENCI, BERTINETTO, 2000).When mentioned, the first verb is called “aspectualizer verb” (to finish,to begin, etc.) (VERKUYL, 1999) or “aspectual auxiliar” (to be, to do,etc.) (ILARI, 2000; MENDES, 1999; CASTILHO, 2002). The aim of thispaper is to analyze the role of the periphrases vir (‘to come’) + gerund,ter (‘to have’) + participle and estar (from the latin stare) + gerund inBrazilian Portuguese. The hypothesis is that these auxiliaries verbs haveaspectual information that combine whith the sentence structure: onthe present, they bring by history the durative, homogeneous and atelicinterpretation, in which the events denoted by the main verb aredistributed. Our arguments are based on grammaticalization processand on some temporal semantic phenomena.


Aspect; Periphrasis; Auxiliary


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17851/2237-2083.14.2.55-75


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