Duplicação de sujeitos pré-verbais no francês, no inglês e no português brasileiro: uma análise não-unificada

Cláudia Roberta Tavares Silva


In this paper I develop a comparative study between English, Frenchand Brazilian Portuguese (henceforth BP) about the constructions withdouble preverbal subjects in finite declarative sentences. It is commonto assume that these constructions are similar in BP and French becausethe subjects are left dislocated, a fact that derives from the AvoidPrinciple Pronoun. With respect to English, the situation is the same:the preverbal subjects occupy an A-bar position because they areduplicated by a coreferent pronoun that checks the EPP-feature.Contrary this analysis, my principal aim is to present syntactic, semanticand prosodic evidences that show that constructions with doublepreverbal subjects in BP do not imply left dislocation of these subjectsnecessarily, contrary to English and French. For this analysis, I adoptthe Distributed Morphology framework.


Variation; Double preverbal subjects; Inflectional morphology


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17851/2237-2083.14.2.185-210


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