Análise e modelamento dinâmicos da prosódia do português brasileiro

Plínio A. Barbosa


This work presents, from output to input, a dynamical model ofspeech rhythm able to become a model of speech prosody. Themodel is based on coupled-oscillator theory, a class of dynamicalsystems theory that brings temporal variability into language by thebias of speech. From segmental duration to syntax-prosody interface,the model simulates several phonological processes such as secondarystress, variation of the duration patterns undergone by speech rate change,segmental effects conditioned by prosodic structure, compensatoryeffects on duration, and so on. Regularity and structuring are linkedtogether in a principled way from coupling of both speech productionand perception, highlighting the importance of a dynamical cyclicattractor. The model can deal with duration perturbation as a resultof paralinguistic information or speech pathology.


Prosody; Phonetics; Phonology; Brazilian Portuguese; Dynamical systems.


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